OROTAL 2020 new corporate video availableOROTAL Blockchain Cryptograhpic Communicator available for secure transmission of data and contactWe invite to our new branch of OROTAL in Russia, Moscow17 experts on boardOROTAL’s Representation Agreement – direct commercial activity with Russian suppliers

What we sell

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We offer a range of petroleum products, from light distillates like Petrol, through medium fractions like Diesel, Jet Fuel, Gasoil, to heavy ones like heating oil. We guarantee the expected quality that we will provide at the right time and in the right quantity, to support your business.





We are a thriving company that is not afraid of challenges. In our business, we focus on flexibility in providing the highest quality products, reliability and responsibility. Every day, we build good relationships with customers and suppliers.

Our personnel’s many years of experience allow us to complete the most difficult orders from every corner of the world, and the Blockchain Cryptography Communicator platform meets the highest security standards for data exchange between parties.

New corporate video available.

Watch wideo about Orotal

Trustworthiness and good relations are indisputably key in how we conduct business

Jarosław Bronowski - CEO Orotal

Our Key Values

Our greatest value is trust. We build it every day, without exceptions. Trust is supported by reliability and focus on building long-lasting relationships with customers and business partners. We also put great emphasis on safety. In our work we are flexible and we listen carefully to our customers to provide them with a product that meets their expectations at the end of the day.

Experience and commitment to what we do is the reason for our success in closing each transaction

Piotr Andreyevich Strategic Initiatives Director

Our People

Our people are our pride, the experts forming the organisation are our greatest capital. The experience they have gained over the years and brought to Orotal allows us to trade in high-quality products at attractive prices. And everyday intensive work puts a smile on the face of our satisfied customers.

The team of experts is our driving force, with which we are not afraid to boldly move towards the future

Michel Bussard - Director Orotal

We are the only trading company in the world who have designed an original platform for communication and data exchange, based on blockchain with full cryptographic encryption.

We perfectly understand the need for data protection and privacy, especially when it comes to entrusted commercial documents and communication. Orotal BCC platform is a guarantee of security and confidentiality, which is protected not only by Swiss law, but also by the latest technological solution. The platform is available to all clients and contractors.

Society and Environment

We take full responsibility for who we work with. Appropriate treatment of people and the environment is a key aspect that we consider in conducting our business. Respect for human rights, not using child labour, and labour law are the most important standards that all our suppliers must meet. In turn, taking care of the environment and our planet is so important to us that we donate 1% of our profits for the reconstruction of forests on our planet.

We donate part of the profits we make for rebuilding forests on our planet.

From our blog